Games automata play

Fliess' theorem for minimising weighted automata

April 12, 2018 | by Nathanaël Fijalkow

We state and prove Fliess' theorem, which says that the minimal automaton recognising a given formal series has size the rank of its Hankel matrix.

A formal series (here over the reals) is a function \(f : \Sigma^* \to \R\). The Hankel matrix of \(f\) is a bi-infinite matrix \(H_f \in \R^{\Sigma^* \times \Sigma^*}\) defined by

\[H_f(u,v) = f(uv)\]

For recognising formal series we use weighted automata:

\(\A = (Q, \alpha \in \R^Q, (\Delta(a) \in \R^{Q \times Q})_{a \in A}, \eta \in \R^Q)\).

Such an automaton recognises the function

\[\A(a_1 \cdots a_n) = \alpha \cdot \underbrace{\Delta(a_1) \cdots \Delta(a_n)}_{\Delta(a_1 \cdots a_n)} \cdot \eta\]

Theorem: (Fliess ‘74)

  • Any automaton recognising $f$ has at least $\rk(H_f)$ many states,
  • There exists an automaton recognising $f$ with $\rk(H_f)$ many states.

First implication: the backward-forward decomposition

Let $\A$ be an automaton recognising $f$.

Define $P_\A(\cdot,q) \in \R^{\Sigma^* }$ the formal series recognised by the weighted automaton $\A$ with $e_q$ as final vector, and $S_\A(\cdot,q) \in \R^{\Sigma^* }$ the formal series recognised by the weighted automaton $\A$ with $e_q$ as initial vector.

We have

\[H_f(u,v) = \sum_{q \in Q} P_\A(u,q) \cdot S_\A(v,q)\]

Hence we wrote $H_f$ as a sum of $Q$ terms, each of which is a product of a row vector with a column vector, hence has rank $1$. We conclude by noting that the rank of a sum of matrices is at most the sum of the ranks.

Converse implication: construction of the minimal automaton

We introduce some notations. For $X,Y$ two subsets of $\Sigma^*$, we let $H_f(X,Y)$ denote the submatrix of $H_f$ restricted to rows in $X$ and columns in $Y$. Observe the following equality: \(H_f(Xa,Y) = H_f(X,aY)\).

The backward automaton

Without loss of generality let us assume that $f \neq 0$. It follows that \(H_f( \{\varepsilon\}, \Sigma^* ) \neq 0\). We consider the family of vectors given by rows of $H_f$. Let us consider $X$ indexing a basis of this family; thanks to the previous assumption we can assume $\varepsilon \in X$.

We construct an automaton \(\A\) as follows.

  • The set of states is \(X\).
  • The initial vector is \(e_1\).
  • The transition is defined to satisfy \(H_f(X a, \Sigma^*) = \Delta(a) \cdot H_f(X, \Sigma^*)\).
  • The final vector is \(H_f( X, \{\varepsilon\} )\).

To see that there exists $\Delta(a)$ such that \(H_f(X a, \Sigma^*) = \Delta(a) \cdot H_f(X, \Sigma^*)\), let $x \in X$. We decompose $H_f(xa,\Sigma^*)$ on the basis \(\{H_f(x,\Sigma^*) \mid x \in X\}\): there exists \(\Delta(a)(x,x') \in \R\) such that

\(H_f(xa,\Sigma^*) = \sum_{x' \in X} \Delta(a)(x,x') \cdot H_f(x',\Sigma^*)\).

We now argue that $\A$ recognises $f$: we show by induction that \(\Delta(w) \cdot \eta = H_f(Xw, \{\varepsilon\})\).

\[\begin{array}{ccc} \Delta(aw) \cdot \eta & = & \Delta(a) \cdot \Delta(w) \cdot \eta \\ & = & \Delta(a) \cdot H_f(Xw, \{\varepsilon\}) \\ & = & \Delta(a) \cdot H_f(X, \{w\}) \\ & = & H_f(Xa, \{w\}) \\ & = & H_f(Xaw, \{\varepsilon\}) \end{array}\]

Note that we used the equality \(H_f(X a, w) = \Delta(a) \cdot H_f(X, w)\) for all words \(w \in \Sigma^*\), which is the projection on the column \(w\) of the equality defining \(\Delta(a)\).

This concludes the proof.

For the sake of curiosity, we show that there exists a dual construction, which considers columns instead of rows.

The forward automaton

Since \(f \neq 0\) it follows that \(H_f( \Sigma^*, \{\varepsilon\}) \neq 0\). We consider the family of vectors given by columns of $H_f$. Let us consider $Y$ indexing a basis of this family; thanks to the previous assumption we can assume $\varepsilon \in Y$.

We construct an automaton \(\A\) as follows.

  • The set of states is \(Y\).
  • The initial vector is \(H_f( \{\varepsilon\}, Y )\).
  • The transition is defined to satisfy \(H_f(\Sigma^*, a Y) = H_f(\Sigma^*, Y) \cdot \Delta(a)\).
  • The final vector is \(e_1\).

To see that there exists $\Delta(a)$ such that \(H_f(\Sigma^*, a Y) = H_f(\Sigma^*, Y) \cdot \Delta(a)\), let $y \in Y$. We decompose $H_f(\Sigma^*, ay)$ on the basis \(\{H_f(\Sigma^*,y) \mid y \in Y\}\): there exists \(\Delta(a)(y,y') \in \R\) such that

\(H_f(\Sigma^*, ay) = \sum_{y' \in Y} H_f(\Sigma^*,y') \cdot \Delta(a)(y,y')\).

We now argue that $\A$ recognises $f$: we show by induction that \(\alpha \cdot \Delta(w) = H_f( \{\varepsilon\}, wY)\).

\[\begin{array}{ccc} \alpha \cdot \Delta(wa) & = & \alpha \cdot \Delta(w) \cdot \Delta(a) \\ & = & H_f(\{\varepsilon\}, wY) \cdot \Delta(a) \\ & = & H_f(\{w\}, Y) \cdot \Delta(a) \\ & = & H_f(\{wa\}, Y) \\ & = & H_f(\{\varepsilon\}, waY) \end{array}\]

Note that we used the equality \(H_f(w, a Y) = H_f(w, Y) \cdot \Delta(a)\) for all words \(w \in \Sigma^*\), which is the projection on the row \(w\) of the equality defining \(\Delta(a)\).

We finish this post with an alternative abstract point of view.

An abstract construction without choosing a basis

(Thanks to Pierre Ohlmann for working this out with me!)

Instead of constructing a weighted automaton, we build a representation, which is given by a vector space \(V\) of finite dimension (over the reals), a morphism \(\mu : \Sigma^* \to V\) and \(\lambda : V \to \R\). A representation computes a function \(f : \Sigma^* \to \R\) by \(f(w) = \lambda(\mu(w))\).

One can show that through the choice of a basis for \(V\) a representation induces a weighted automaton, and conversely.

We consider the vector space $\R^{\Sigma^*}$, which has infinite dimension. We simplify the notation \(H_f(w,\varepsilon)\) into $H(w)$. We let $V$ denote the vector space generated by \(\{ H_w \mid w \in \Sigma^* \}\), it has finite dimension since $\rk(H_f)$ is finite. Define

\[\mu(a)(H_w) = H_{wa}\]

We first need to show that this is well defined: if $H_w = H_{w’}$, then $H_{wa} = H_{w’a}$. This is easily checked:

\[H_{wa}(u) = H_w(au) = H_{w'}(au) = H_{w'a}(u).\]

Then we extend $\mu$ into a morphism \(\mu : \Sigma^* \to V\), and let $\lambda(H_w) = f(w)$. We obtain by proving the invariant \(\mu(w) = H_w\) that the representation \((V,\mu,\lambda)\) computes the function $f$.